• contact@odatel.net


Unleashing potential in your teams and organization starts with you.

You Can


in your people, teams and organization

How you lead makes the difference between an organization that fears change and falls behind, and one that seizes the opportunity to thrive and grow. Do you really know what affects—and strengthens—your ability to lead effectively?

The right leaders make


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Employees working for good leaders put in 57% more effort.

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58% of people trust strangers. Only 42% trust their own boss.

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Inspiring leaders can increase organizational productivity and double profits.

How we can help you


We work with leaders to develop the mindsets and capabilities needed to run and evolve their organization through times of change. When others are feeling lost, we ensure leaders are prepared to embrace ambiguity and lead their teams and organization through it with confidence.

Board & CEO Services

Assess, develop and coach your enterprise leaders and unleash the power of all

High Performing Executive Teams

Build a leadership team that can improve organizational performance while delivering transformation

Leadership Assessments

We evaluate each person’s performance, potential, readiness and cultural fit as well as advise you on where to invest in leadership development

Succession Planning

We help you find and prepare the next generation of leaders

Leadership Development

Develop agile leaders who can navigate teams through change

Executive Coaching

Personal and professional coaching to strengthen leaders, uncover blind spots and change behaviors

Executive Compensation

Develop executive rewards that attract leaders and keep them focused on your business strategy.

ESG & Sustainability

To become a sustainable business, you need to do things differently

Change starts by contacting Us